CBSE Class 9 Notes: Studying in class 9 sometimes can suddenly feel like a lot of pressure owing to the class 10 that is imminent. However, worry not, the Revision Notes for Class 9 by edwill allow students to cover the most important concepts in that year for the CBSE syllabus for subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English, Hindi, Social Science and Biology. The basics of the core science subjects are very important to grasp for students as they will utilise them much more in their 10th Grade and the base needs to be strong.
Free Download of CBSE Revision Notes for class 9
This is where LearnCBSE.in comes in and helps with our CBSE Revision Notes for class 9. They can be downloaded in a free PDF from the link on the site. revision notes have been made with expert teachers in the country with close to 15 years of experience. Also, the papers are made by analysing the 10 years previous question papers after which specific details have been incorporated. The teachers have ensured that the revision notes are very easy to understand and grasp for any student in the new academic year.
Class 9 Revision Notes
9th class revision notes applicable for all the board like CBSE, UP Board, MP Board, Gujrat Board, Bihar, Uttarakhand, KSEEB, Kerala and all other boards who are following the New Updated NCERT Books as a course book. Revision Notes for class 9
Class 9 Full Course Latest Notes is Here:
- Science All Chapters Notes Hindi
- Science All Chapters Notes English
- Maths All Chapters Questions with Farmula Hindi
- Maths All Chapters Questions with Farmula English
- Social Science All Chapters Notes Hindi
- Social Science All Chapters Notes English
- English All Chapters Grammer with Exam Materials
Revision Notes for class 9 Maths
1: Number Systems
2: Polynomials
3: Coordinate Geometry
4: Linear Equations in Two Variables
5: Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
6: Lines and Angles
7: Triangles
8: Quadrilaterals
9: Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles
10: Circles
11: Constructions
12: Heron’s Formula
13: Surface Areas and Volumes
14: Statistics
15: Probability
Revision Notes for class 9 Social Science
India and the Contemporary World – 1 (History)
Section I: Events and Processes
1 : The French Revolution
2: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
3: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
Section II: Livelihoods, Economics and Societies
4: Forest Society and Colonialism
5: Pastoralists in the Modern World
6: Peasants and Farmers
Section III: Everyday Life, Culture and Politics
7: History and Sport: The Story of Cricket
8: Clothing: A Social History
Revision Notes for class 9 Contemporary India – 1 (Geography)
1: India – Size and Location
2: Physical Features of India
3: Drainage
4: Climate
5: Natural Vegetation and Wild Life
6: Population
Democratic Politics – I (Political Science)
1: Democracy in the Contemporary World
2: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
3: Constitutional Design
4: Electoral Politics
5: Working of Institutions
6: Democratic Rights
1: The Story of Village Palampur
2: People as Resource
3: Poverty as a Challenge
4: Food Security in India
NCERT Books for Class 9 English
1: The Fun They Had
2: The Sound of Music
3: The Little Girl
4: A Truly Beautiful Mind
5: The Snake and the Mirror
6: My Childhood
7: Packing
8: Reach for the Top
9: The Bond of Love
10: Kathmandu
11: If I were you
Moments – Supplementary Reader
1: The Lost Child
2: The Adventures of Toto
3: Iswaran the Storyteller
4: In the Kingdom of Fools
5: The Happy Prince
6: Weathering the Storm in Ersama
7: The Last Leaf
8: A House is not a Home
9: The Accidental Tourist
10: The Beggar
NCERT Books for Class 9 Science – English
1. Matter in Our Surroundings
2. Is Matter Around Us Pure
3. Atoms and Molecules
4. Structure of the Atom
5. The Fundamental Unit of Life
6. Tissues
7. Diversity in Living Organisms
8. Motion
9. Force and Laws of Motion
10. Gravitation
11. Work and Energy
12. Sound
13. Why do We Fall ill
14. Natural Resources
15. Improvement in Food Resources
Revision Notes for class 9 will help you a lot for best utilisation of time gaps between examination.
The revision notes for class 9 have been made in a chapter wise format for the science subjects, Social Science and Languages so that no detail is missed out. They are also available for free download in a PDF format for students to refer to and use. Also,
the new academic year has been used for the preparation of these notes so that any changes made by the Central board in the syllabus will be incorporated into all of these notes. The importance of these study notes for class 9 CBSE is that students will not only be able to score well, they will also enjoy learning from them. The notes will also help set the platform for them to prepare better during their tenth where they will take their first board examinations.
By practicing with the revision notes and solving model papers, students will find out that the syllabus was not that hard. These are some of the best revision notes for class 9 because students will be able to alleviate any stress that they might face and solve problems faster.
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FAQs on CBSE Notes
Where do we get the best notes related to CBSE?
You can make use of the study material & notes recommended by subject experts on our page. The Preparation Related Notes can be quite handy during your preparation
How to download CBSE Notes PDF?
You can download the CBSE Notes PDF by tapping on the direct links and use them during your revision.
Can practicing CBSE Revision Notes help me score good marks?
Yes, you can absolutely score good marks by using the CBSE Revision Notes available here as they cover all the concepts.
Where can I get Classwise CBSE Revision Notes Free PDF Download?
You can get the Classwise CBSE Revision Notes and Study Material in PDF Format by using the quick links available.