Students can refer to IE Irodov Solutions provided below. These solutions have been developed based on the latest IE Irodov book for the current academic year. Please click on the links below to download the solutions in PDF format
I.E. Irodov book’s questions with solutions for General Physics are updated on this page. I.E. Irodov solutions is provided here to help students find the right answers to all the question and exercises given in the I.E. Irodov book. The book is popular among students mainly because it covers all the important concepts of Physics and provides detailed and clear explanations along with solved examples.
Practise solving all types of questions and also get answers that will further shed light on how the result was obtained. These solutions cover almost all the basic fundamentals of each and every Physics concept helpful for cracking various undergraduate level engineering entrance exams.
Our subject experts have provided a detailed explanation of each question. Candidates can check the questions and solutions of I.E. Irodov book chapterwise below.

All in all, by practising the questions and studying the solutions students will be able to stay ahead in the competition and perform well in their exams. With these resources, they will be well equipped with greater knowledge about the subject and also have better problem-solving skills.
IE Irodov PDF for JEE Physics
IE Irodov PDF is a good study tool for solving Physics numerical. It holds good conceptual questions with a variety covering every concept. Explaining IE Irodov Physics problems requires a clear understanding of Physics questions and is very time-consuming. Hence, JEE students are advised to read this solution only in their free time.
The best-covered chapters in IE Irodov book are Basis of Vector, Trigonometry and Calculus. The book doesn’t contain detailed solutions to the questions, which might be frustrating to students. For IE Irodov solutions, you can contact experts at SELA who offer comprehensive explanations and can help you know how to solve the questions using graphical representations.
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Why do the Study with IE Irodov Solutions:
- This Solution is Useful for all Competitive Exams such as IIT JEE Main/Advanced, BITSAT, and VIT etc
- IE Irodov consists of more than 2000 questions which cover all the chapters of Physics
- More than 300+ Formulas
- All the questions are explained with Detailed Solution
Constituted by IE Irodov, General Physics is the most reliable book who seek to practice and master the for a chapter from scratch to high order study. Through the book, you will get over 1900 question with hints for explaining the most complicated.
IE Irodov Volume 1 is divided into 3 Parts
- Physical Fundamentals of Mechanics
- Thermodynamics and Molecular Physics
- Electrodynamics
IE Irodov Volume 2 Divided into 3 Parts
- Oscillations and Waves
- Optics
- Atomic and Nuclear Physics
IE Irodov Solutions Volume 1
1. Physical Fundamentals of Mechanics
1.1 Kinematics
1.2 The Fundamental Equation of Dynamics
1.3 Laws of Conservation of Energy, Momentum and Angular Momentum
1.4 Universal Gravitation
1.5 Dynamics of a Solid Body
1.6 Elastic Deformations of a Solid Body
1.7 Hydrodynamics
1.8 Relativistic Mechanics
2. Thermodynamics and Molecular Physics
2.1 Equation of Gas State, Processes
2.2 The First Law of Thermodynamics, Heat Capacity
2.3 Kinetic Theory of Gases, Boltzman’s Law and Maxwell’s Distribution
2.4 Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy
2.5 Liquids, Capillary Effects
2.6 Phase Transformations
2.7 Transport Phenomena
3. Electrodynamics
3.1 Constant Electric Field in Vacuum
3.2 Conductors and Dielectrics in Electric Field
3.3 Electric Capacitance. The energy of an Electric Field
3.4 Electric Current
3.5 Constant Magnetic Field.Magnetics
3.6 Electromagnetic Induction, Maxwell’s Equation
3.7 Motion of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields
IE Irodov Solutions Volume 2
4. Oscillations and Waves
4.1 Mechanical Oscillations
4.2 Electric Oscillations
4.3 Elastic Waves. Acoustics
4.4 Electromagnetic Waves. Radiation
5. Optics
5.1 Photometry and Geometrical Optics
5.2 Interference of Light
5.3 Diffraction of Light
5.4 Polarization of Light
5.5 Dispersion and Absorption of Light
5.6 Optics of Moving Sources
5.7 Thermal Radiation. Quantum Nature of Light
6. Atomic and Nuclear Physics
6.1 Scattering of Particles. Rutherford -Bohr Atom
6.2 Waves Properties of Particles. Schrodinger Equation
6.3 Properties of Atoms. Spectra
6.4 Molecules and Crystals
6.5 Radioactivity
6.6 Nuclear Reactions
6.7 Elementary Particles