NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Sanskrit: Students can download NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit in PDF for free. We have provided solutions to all questions which are given in each chapter.
The solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit are available based on the curriculum of the current academic year. Our teachers have provided detailed solutions for all questions in each chapter of Sanskrit of Class 12. This will help you to understand the concepts and also solve all questions given at the end of each chapter

Class 12 Sanskrit NCERT Solutions Download PDF
Students can click on the subject wise links below. Refer to latest Sanskrit NCERT Solutions for Class 12 below
NCERT Books for Class 12 for Sanskrit have been recommended in lot of schools in India. In these books all concepts and topics have been explained in a very detailed and clear manner. As a result, students in Grade 12 should always refer to these textbooks. In other words, these CBSE NCERT Sanskrit ebooks are being suggested in schools and even in various other competitive exams.
In addition, at the end of each chapter in the Sanskrit Books for Class 12 lot of questions and exercises have been given. After that, students are always required to solve the questions. Above all, we have provided here the best and latest NCERT Solutions for Standard 12 for Sanskrit.
After that, all solutions have been designed based on the latest NCERT textbooks issued this year. Above all, our team of expert teachers for Class 12 has developed these solutions. We are providing all solutions to NCERT questions free. You can download all solutions in PDF format.
In conclusion, you should try to solve the Sanskrit Standard 12 NCERT solutions by yourself. Then later compare your solutions with what we have provided. In addition, this will help you to understand all mistakes which will help you in Class 12 examinations.
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NCERT Books for CBSE Class 12 Sanskrit PDF Free Download
NCERT books are considered as the main lifelines for the students of CBSE board. Besides CBSE, these books are now considered as the staple for many other state boards’ students according to the curriculum. NCERT which stands for National Council of Educational Research and Training is an autonomous organization which aims to provide the highest quality education to all the children across India.
NCERT textbooks are considered as the best study materials for all the students from Class 12. These are curated by the highly qualified subject matter experts following extensive research and in-depth analysis.
NCERT Books Free PDF Download
NCERT books are undoubtedly the best study materials for all the CBSE students of Class 12. These books are designed by experienced teachers and experts from the respective fields. These are written in a concise and easy-to-understand format so that students of every IQ level can understand these books very easily. That’s how they will be able to build strong fundamentals and gain deep insights regarding the subject.
These textbooks are the backbone for students of each standard, be it elementary or be it secondary. These books help the student in preparation for various competitive exams as well such as JEE Main, JEE Advanced, NEET etc. Besides the hard copy, the NCERT books free PDF download are available online, which can be referred by the students or anyone for relevant use.
NCERT Books for Class 12 Sanskrit PDF Free download
NCERT books are considered as the backbone of every CBSE student, starting from elementary to senior secondary level students. These books are designed by the highly experienced and dedicated teachers/ subject matter experts from the relevant field. Apart from the basic concept of every chapter given in the 12 Sanskrit syllabus, NCERT book contains questions, images, and step by step explanation of everything.
While every student keeps a hardcopy, NCERT books for Class 12 Sanskrit PDF Free download available online as well. Students or anyone in need of the book can refer to e-copy anytime.
CBSE Class 12 Sanskrit Syllabus
संस्कृतम् कक्षा – 12
पूर्णाङ्काः 100
एकम् प्रश्नपत्रम्
अस्मिन् प्रश्नपत्रे चत्वारःः खण्डाः भविष्यन्ति
खण्डः “क” अपठितांश-अवबोधनम् (10)
खण्डः “ख” रचनात्मककार्यम् (15)
खण्डः “ग” अनुप्रयुक्तव्याकरणम् (30)
खण्डः “घ” (45)
(अ) पठित-अवबोधनम् (35)
(ब) संस्कृतसाहित्येतिहास्य परिचयः (10)
प्रतिखण्डं विस्तृतविवरणम्
खण्डः ‘क’ – (अपठितांशअवबोधनम्)
80-100 शब्दपरिमितः एक सरलः अपठितः गद्यांशः। प्रश्नवैविध्यम् (अङ्काः – 10, कालांशः – 21)
(i) एकपदेन उत्तरम्
(ii) पूर्णवाक्येन उत्तरम्
(iii) सर्वनामस्थाने संज्ञाप्रयोगः
(iv) कर्तृक्रिया-पदचयनम्
(v) विशेषण-विशेष्य/पर्याय/विलोमादिचयनम्
(vi) समुचितशीर्षकप्रदानम्
खण्डः ‘ख’
(संस्कृतेन रचनात्मकं लिखितकार्यम्) (अङ्काः – 15, कालांशः – 32)
1. अनौपचारिकं पत्रम्/प्रार्थनापत्रम्
2. लघुकथा (शब्दसूचीसाहाय्येन, रिक्तस्थानपूर्ति-माध्यमेन)
3. संकेताधारितम् अनुच्छेदलेखनम् (चित्रमधिकृत्य, निर्दिष्टशब्दसूची-साहाय्येन)
खण्डः ‘ग’
(अनुप्रयुक्तव्याकरणम्) (अङ्काः – 30, कालांशः – 63)
(i) पाठाधारिताः सन्धिच्छेदाः (2 + 2 + 2 = 6)
स्वरसन्धिः, व्यंजनसन्धिः, विसर्गसन्धिः
(ii) पाठाधारितसमस्तपदानां विग्रहा: (6)
अव्ययीभावः, द्विगुः, द्वन्द्वः, तत्पुरुषः, कर्मधारयः, बहुव्रीहिः
(iii) प्रत्ययाः
अधोलिखितप्रत्यययोगेन वाक्यसंयोजनम्/सङ्केताधारितरिक्तस्थानपूर्तिः
(अ) कृत् – क्त, क्तवतु, क्त्वा, तुमुन्, ल्यप्, तव्यत्, अनीयर्, क्तिन्, शतृ, शान। (5)
(आ) तद्धित — मतुप्, इन्, ठक्, ठञ्, त्व, तल्। (3)
(iv) अन्वितिः (5)
(v) उपपदविभक्तिप्रयोगः (पाठ्यपुस्तकम् आधृत्य) (5)
खण्डः ‘घ’
भागः I – (पठितांश-अवबोधनम् ) (अङ्काः – 45, कालांशः – 94)
(अ) अंशत्रयम् (15)
(i) एकः गद्यांशः (5)
(ii) एकः नाट्यांशः (5)
(iii) एकः पद्यांश: (5)
(i) एकपदेन उत्तरम् (1)
(ii) पूर्णवाक्येन उत्तरम् (1)
(iii) विशेषण-विशेष्य-अन्विति:/पर्याय/विलोमचयनम् (1)
(iv) सर्वनामस्थाने संज्ञाप्रयोगः (1)
(v) कर्तृ-क्रिया-पदचयनम् (1)
(आ) (i) उद्धृतांशानम् प्रसङ्गसन्दर्भलेखनम् कः कम् कथयति/सन्दर्भग्रन्थस्य लेखकस्य च नामोल्लेखनम् (4)
(ii) प्रदत्ते भावार्थेत्रये शुद्धभावार्थचयनम्/ प्रदत्ते भावार्थे रिक्तस्थानपूर्तिः (4)
(iii) उद्धृतश्लोकानाम् अन्वयेषु रिक्तस्थानपूर्तिः (4)
(iv) प्रदत्तवाक्यानां क्रमयोजनम् (4)
(v) प्रदत्तपंक्तिषु प्रसङ्गानुसारं श्लिष्टपदानाम्/पदानाम् अर्थलेखनम् (4)
भागः II – (सामान्यः संस्कृतसाहित्यपरिचयः) (10)
1. (अ) पाठ्यपुस्तके संकलितपाठ्यांशानां कवीनां कृतीनां संस्कृतेन परिचयः (1 × 5 = 5)
(आ) संस्कृते गद्य-पद्य-नाटकादिविधानां मुख्यविशेषतानां परिचयः (5)
Benefits of 12th Class NCERT Solutions on Sanskrit
Go through the advantages of referring to Class 12th NCERT Solutions on Sanskrit from the below sections. They are along the lines
- Students can learn all the concepts in a simple and easy to understand language.
- All the Solutions provided are available for download and you can access them free of cost.
- Lay a stronger foundation of basics by solving the NCERT Solutions provided.
- Detailed Solutions provided are given by subject experts and as per the latest syllabus guidelines.
FAQs on Class 12 Sanskrit NCERT Solutions
1. How to download NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit?
You can download NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit by simply tapping on the quick links available. Once you click on them you will be directed to a new page having the download option. Tap on that and save it for future reference.
2. From where students can get detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit?
Students can get detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit on our page.
3. How to study 12th Grade Sanskrit Concepts easily?
Take the help of NCERT Solutions for 12th Grade Sanskrit to prepare the concepts of Sanskrit easily.
Final words
We wish the data shed above regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit has been beneficial to an extent. If you have any other queries feel free to reach us and we will get back to you at the earliest possibility. Bookmark our site for the latest updates on NCERT Solutions of various classes at your fingertips.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to download NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit in PDF ?
We have provided here the latest Sanskrit solutions for class 12. In addition, you can download Grade 12 NCERT Solutions for all subjects from education learn academy free.Can these solutions be downloaded in PDF format, do I need to pay for it?
Yes, we have provided all Class 12 Sanskrit Solutions of NCERT free for our students because that is easy for our Class 12 studentsI want PDF files of Class 12 NCERT solutions, How can I get them?
Above all, we have provided all solutions in PDF and can be downloaded easily. Therefore, you can download them all from our website