Rewrite your Content with these 3 Best Paraphrasing Tools

Rewrite your Content with these 3 Best Paraphrasing Tools
Rewrite your Content with these 3 Best Paraphrasing Tools

If you are tired of writing the same content over, rewrite your content with these three free online paraphrasing tools. These tools will rewrite your content in 100% original texts. 

Rewrite your Content with these 3 Best Paraphrasing Tools
Rewrite your Content with these 3 Best Paraphrasing Tools

Each tool features manual and automatic modes and supports different languages and various formats to upload and download files. Here’s a brief review of the three best tools available. Make the most of them and enjoy the benefits of free-rewriting tools!

3 Best paraphrasing tools


You can use an online paraphrasing tool like to reword content without plagiarism. This tool uses AI to rephrase content, ensuring that it’s not duplicated. 

It uses synonyms and appropriate wording to paraphrase content. rewrites content to make it more meaningful and pass any plagiarism checking tool. is free online, supports all major browsers, and produces 90 percent plagiarism-free articles. It supports English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch and all major languages. 

It uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to deliver human-quality content, helping you get higher rankings in search engines. If you want to use this paraphrasing tool to rewrite your articles, there are many benefits.

The most basic features this all in one content writing solutions offers include the following:

Paraphraser Modes

The free version allows you to spin unlimited articles and has 4 options for rewriting content. You can select one of these options for free or customize it according to your requirements. 

Text Improver

This paraphrasing mode offers rewriting of sentences while improving the text clarity and readability. In this way it enhances the written content and improves its quality.

Near Human

In this mode of paraphrasing the tool focuses on the readability of the given text and generates a version more close to human readability and understanding levels.


To create the most unique and distinct version of given content he creative mode completely alters it. In this mode the rewritten text has a novel sentence structure and words inclusion while keeping the original context.

Plagiarism Remover

To rule out plagiarism completely the offers plagiarism remover mode. This feature completely paraphrases text to remove any similarity among the entered and rewritten text.

Additional Tools offered by 


Other than being the best paraphraser, this AI integrated tool also summarizes text precisely. Instead of jotting down elongated sentences describing unnecessary backdrop helps to extract only necessary text.

With its summarizer you can keep only imperative sentences and phrases of content while eliminating needless texts. With its advanced AI it understands the context of the overall content and picks a few essential sentences.

Using you can choose the extent (in percentage) to which you can summarize given text. You can also choose whether you want to summarize text in bullet form or paragraph form. The example given below indicates the text summarized to only 33% of its original content.

Content Generator

The content generator similarly implies the AI algorithms to automatically generate content from a single line. WIth you can create hundreds of articles without inputting any text on your own.

Just enter the text you want to turn into an article and you will get back a human-readable article. only requires one line relative to the content you want to generate and rest is upon it.

You see how simple it is to create AI based content in no time that is also human readable. Following the same procedure again and again you can generate unlimited content for your blog posts or website.

Plagiarism Checker

While writing the content, plagiarism is a major setback. Before publishing your content it is imperative to assure its plagiarism free. also offers a built -in plagiarism checking tool. Its plagiarism checker looks for the similarity in your text from thousands of published sources. 

The results offered by plagiarism checker are accurate and precise as you can see the results of the example given below. The example was as it is copied from the source and entered in the tool that had provided 100% plagiarism results with exactly matched sources.

Grammar Checker

Another bonus is the Grammar checker, which prunes your text for grammatical mistakes. In just a matter of a few minutes quickly analyzes your text and provides you with a grammatically correct version. Its AI technology is capable of finding minor grammar errors and punctuations and can save your time and enhance language orthography.

  1. QuillBot 

The AI-based software behind QuillBot makes it easier to create human-friendly content that is also SEO friendly. In addition to being SEO friendly, it also works for any type of writing, from academic writings to corporate documents. 

The best feature of QuillBot is its ability to rephrase sentences with high accuracy. It also uses artificial intelligence to ensure that its output is as accurate as possible. The user can adjust the number of synonyms to make their content sound unique. 

QuillBot also allows you to use it as many times as you like without offering just a few rewriting slots. You can use it as a web editor or download the Quillbot extension to MS Word or Google Docs. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it paraphrases your content.

Free and Premium

You can choose a free account or premium one and either can have your texts rewritten. Both premium and free accounts have their own word limits. You can use the free version for up to 700 characters, and the premium version has a limit of ten thousand characters. For this reason, it is best to choose the premium account if you intend to use Quillbot frequently.

Paraphrasing Modes

The QuillBot paraphrasing tool offers 7 different modes of rewriting however only two modes standard and fluency are available in the free version so let’s see how they paraphrase text.


When you open Quillbot, the default setting is the Standard mode. This mode can help you rephrase your content by changing some words into synonyms. This mode also helps you fix errors, but it is more likely to make minor mistakes. 


Alternatively, you can select the Fluency mode to rephrase your text with minimal changes. This mode is most useful for people who need to write in a formal setting, like a business or government office.

Other Tools offered by Quillbot

Grammar Check

Another great feature of Quillbot is its Grammar checker. This function works just like spell check or a sentence-editor and can identify unnecessary prepositions. While these options may not be very advanced, they will help you save time when writing and improve your grammar.

Check Plagiarism

Previously, it didn’t have a built-in plagiarism checker. But now, it does! The plagiarism checker works well and you can easily check for plagiarism in a matter of minutes. 

In the image below the paraphrased text using the QuillBot is checked for plagiarism. In the results the QuillBot plagiarism checker didn’t find any similarity and passed the content as plagiarism free.


If you are writing for your website, you may want to consider using a free paraphrasing tool. is available online and does not require you to register or sign up. It will rewrite content for you and provide appropriate synonyms. 

This paraphrasing tool can help you write content for your website or blog quickly and easily. allows you to paraphrase a short paragraph or an entire article and it maintains the meaning. It utilizes machine learning to make the process more accurate. 

It’s an excellent option for individuals, businesses, and educational institutions alike. This tool also features a built-in thesaurus and can reword individual words for you. is available for free and is a great way to save time and money. 

It uses technology to parse entire documents automatically, avoiding duplicate content, and catching previously-cited words. It also allows you to highlight words and phrases who’s synonyms are changed. offers a wide range of features, and is fast and efficient. It is an easy to use tool, and you don’t need to be a tech whiz to use it. Simply paste your content and the tool will do the rest. Once your content is rewritten, you can easily copy and paste the final text into a document, email, or website. offers 3 levels of paraphrasing to rewrite our text as per your content needs. From lo to high you can paraphrase text on different levels of changes offered.


The initial stage of paraphrasing offered by is “Low”, as the name implies causes fewer changes in text. Using the low level you can rewrite content with minimal changes in the sentences and synonyms while keeping the tone clear and straightforward.


Medium level of paraphrasing in corresponds to the mid level textual changes in content. This rewriting mode is most appropriate that removes plagiarism while paraphrasing intermediately. Looking at the image below we can see how medium level rephrasing in alters sentences and removes plagiarism.


The high level of paraphrasing in this tool is the most elevated level at which alterations in sentence structure and synonyms take place. in this mode runs its algorithms to peak level and rewrite given text in  complete novel form.

Read Also


This tool is an excellent choice if you are looking for an advanced way to make your text look good. 

Simply enter text or upload a file, and the tool will analyze the content and replace it with the most appropriate synonyms. Once the process is complete, you can view the completed document and compare it to the original. So you can easily check if the result is a good fit!

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Hello friends, I am Hemant, Technical Writer & Co-Founder of Education Learn Academy. Talking about education, I am a student. I enjoy learning things related to new technology and teaching others. I request you that you keep supporting us in this way and we will continue to provide new information for you. :)

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