Essay Writing seems like an awful task among students. If students are very passionated to put their views and thoughts in a paper, then those students can easily write any type of essay if they have basic knowledge about the topic. Okay, let’s have a small discussion about the word “Essay” before going to know about the Essay Topics in English.
Have you ever heard that the word ‘Essay’ is derived from a Latin word ‘exagium’ that nearly converts to present the one’s case? That means, essays are a piece of writing or portraying one’s experiences, stories, or one’s side of the argument. So, we have come up with this topic to educate the students about the format of the essay, essay writing, types of essays, Essay Topics in English, and some tips for writing essays in any competitions right from schooling to graduation.

Essay Writing in English, Topics, Examples, and Format
Coming up with the best essay topic in English could be difficult without having a prior idea about the topic and lack of thorough research. Students who are participating in essay writing competitions at schools, colleges face some issues while writing essays due to the lack of ideas and topics to come up with. To eliminate all these tiny issues at the time of essay writing in English, we have come up with a massive list of good essay topics in English from different categories
The essay topics are categorized based on various situations and they are like technology-based essays, environment essays, argumentative essays, essays on the education system, sports, and many more. These Essay Writing topics are helpful for students from 1st to 10th standards. We have given long and short both forms of essay for every topic listed over here for more help while reading and picking up the ideas to compose an effective essay for your readers.

List of Various Persuasive Essay Topics in English & Examples
The Following list of essay topics in English is crucial & beneficial for students from kindergarten to college. We as a team collected huge essay topics that are similar to a story, pamphlet, thesis, etc. You can use these essay topics in both formal as well as informal. We have focused on both types and gathered this list of English essay topics which are very effective for any type of essay writing competition.
- Essay On Nature
- Essay on Animals
- Essay on Love
- Healthy Lifestyle Essay
- Essay On Policeman
- Postman Essay
- Essay On Pets
- God’s Beautiful Creation Essay
- Essay On Friend And Friendship
- Discipline Essay
- Courtesy Costs Nothing but Pays a Lot essay
- Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Essay
- Parents As Friends Essay
- Good Citizen Essay
- My Favourite Teacher Essay
- Ideal School Essay
- Essay On Books
- Essay On Pollution
- Slums In India Essay
- Soil Pollution Essay
- Superstitions Essay
- A Visit To a Zoo Essay
- Essay On Social Service In School
- Smoking and Drugs Essay
- School Library Essay
- Essay On Importance Of Sports And Games In Education
- Importance of Co-Curricular Activities Essay
- Role Of Students In Modern India Essay
- Science Is A Good Servant But A Bad Master Essay
- Essay On Television
- Village Life Essay
- Essay on Ideal Indian Village
- Gardening As a Hobby Essay
- Indian Festival Essay
- Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place
- Independence Day Essay
- Essay On Trees
- Choosing a Career Essay
- Ambition Essay
- Advertisements Essay
- Mothers Day Essay
- World Food Day
- Importance Of Newspapers Essay
- Sports in India Essay
- Essay on Examination for and Against
- Vocational Education Essay
- Republic Day Essay
- Essay On Great Leader
- Essay on Annual Function In My School
- Tourism In India Essay
- India Of My Dreams Essay
- Essay On Life In A Hostel
- What Can We Learn From History Essay
- Terrorism Essay
- Women Empowerment Essay
- Essay on India’s Global Leadership
- Essay on Knowledge Society
- E-Governance Essay
- Relevance of Gandhian Principles in Today’s World Essay
- Myself Essay For Girl
- Myself Essay For Boy
- My Birthday Essay
- My Hobby Essay
- My Father Essay
- My Mother Essay
- My Family Essay
- My School Essay
- My Class Teacher Essay
- My Best Friend Essay
- My Pet Cat Essay
Basic Format for Writing an Effective Essay
The below-presented image will explain to you what is the structure of an essay writing. Yes, this image says that the basic format of an essay would be like this and results very effectively. Mainly in the basic essay writing format includes three stages i.e., Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
In the Introduction stage, writers have to give a brief intro of the topic with catchy first lines. In the Body Stage, they have to write a thesis statement and then explaining them completely for the readers. Finally, in the Conclusion stage, the writer should end up the topic with the final thoughts like facts, statistics, or views & thoughts and it should be accepted by the reader or audience. This basic format of an essay writing will highlight your essay topic clearly and attracts audience a lot.

7 Easy Tips for Essay Writing
First of all, students should read a guide to write a basic essay and then follow the best & sweet essay writing format as explained on this page. Once, you have done all basic steps while Essay Writing in English then your audience will attract by your persuasive essay.
If you are a beginner for writing an essay, following the below-given 7 easy tips on writing an effective essay is enough for you to impress your readers & audience in the first attempt. Let’s have an eye on the below tips to write a persuasive essay in the school competitions.
- Pick a topic.
- Write the introduction with eye-catchy & attractive lines.
- Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas.
- Write your thesis statement.
- Write the body by explaining your thesis statement in-depth.
- End with a Conclusion.
- Finally, add the finishing touches.
FAQs on Essay Writing Topics in English
1. How do you write a really good essay?
The following 8 steps are very helpful for all students to write a great essay:
- Analyze the essay prompt.
- Create a thesis statement.
- Make an outline.
- Begin with the body, not the introduction.
- Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence.
- Use credible sources.
- Don’t fake it.
- Conclude your essay.
2. What is an essay format example?
A basic essay format mainly consists of three main parts: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. If you follow this format while essay writing then you write and organize an essay in an effective way. However, flexibility is important. Choose the best topic and write a persuasive essay by keeping this basic essay format in mind.
3. What are the 4 types of essays?
The four major types of essays address these purposes:
- Narrative Essays
- Descriptive Essays
- Expository Essays
- Persuasive Essays
4. From where can I find the best essay topics in English?
You can easily find the best topics for essay writing in English from our site Ncertbooks.guru or else you can also use the available direct links on this page. Ncert Solution
10 Topic Suggestions for Descriptive Essays
1 | A Surprise Birthday Party |
2 | My Next-door Neighbor |
3 | Favorite Athlete |
4 | A Character from a Book ,Movie or TV Program |
5 | First Day in College |
6 | A Sad (or Happy) Day in Life |
7 | Farewell in High School |
8 | The Experience of Sky-diving |
9 | Baking a Pizza |
10 | Learning to Play Piano |
10 Topic Suggestions for Narrative Essays
1 | Your first day at a new school or college |
2 | Your first day at a new job |
3 | Your last day on a job |
4 | An embarrassing experience |
5 | A dangerous experience |
6 | Surviving a hurricane or a tornado (or other natural disaster) |
7 | The day you decided to change your life |
8 | The experience of being lost (or of being frustrated) |
9 | A communication barrier |
10 | Your first time away from home |
10 Topic Suggestions for Process Analysis Essays
1 | How ice cream is made |
2 | How to play chess |
3 | How people choose mates |
4 | How to quit smoking |
5 | How to conduct obedience training for dogs |
6 | How to succeed at a job interview |
7 | How to learn photography |
8 | How a bad habit develops |
9 | How to enjoy the weekend for under $20 |
10 | How to make the perfect brownies |
10 Topic Suggestions for Exemplification Essays
1 | Successful People Without a Formal Education |
2 | Homeschooling |
3 | Effects of Social Networking Sites |
4 | Child discipline |
5 | Animal Characteristics in People |
6 | Annoying Commercials |
7 | Genetic Engineering |
8 | Ghosts and Goblins |
9 | Religion in School |
10 | Discrimination |
10 Topic Suggestions for Comparison and Contrast Essays
1 | Two stages of a person’s life |
2 | Two places you have visited |
3 | Effects of Social Networking Sites |
4 | A good boss and a bad boss |
5 | Bulimia and anorexia |
6 | Living on campus and living off campus |
7 | An active student and a passive student |
8 | An online class compared to a traditional class |
9 | Hearing culture and deaf culture |
10 | Mainstream school vs. deaf school |
10 Topic Suggestions for Analogy Essays
1 | Starting a new job |
2 | Getting out of debt |
3 | Being in a car accident |
4 | Falling in love |
5 | Experiencing grief |
6 | Experiencing joy |
7 | Discovering a major in college |
8 | Leaving home for the first time |
9 | Making a speech |
10 | Becoming addicted to drugs |
10 Topic Suggestions for Classification Essays
1 | Ways of saving money |
2 | Uses of social network sites |
3 | Reasons for attending or not attending college |
4 | Classify the winter and summer sports |
5 | Classify the study habits |
6 | Ways of quitting smoking |
7 | Attitudes toward politics |
8 | Ways of coping with a cold |
9 | Ways of protecting the environment |
10 | On-campus jobs for students |
10 Topic Suggestions for Cause and Effect Essays
1 | The effect of a parent, teacher, or friend on your life |
2 | Why you selected your major |
3 | Why students drop out of high school or college |
4 | The effects of divorce |
5 | Volcano eruptions — causes and effects |
6 | What are the effects of illiteracy |
7 | Causes of the Great Depression |
8 | Why people exercise |
9 | The causes/effects of child neglect |
10 | Why many Americans prefer foreign-built cars |
10 Topic Suggestions for Definition Essays
1 | Deaf culture |
2 | Audism |
3 | A good (or bad) parent |
4 | A good (or bad) boss |
5 | Sportsmanship |
6 | Racism and prejudice |
7 | Bilingual education |
8 | Optimism |
9 | Free Speech |
10 | Environmental technology |
10 Topic Suggestions for Argument and Persuasion Essays
1 | The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal. |
2 | Participating in team sports helps to develop good character. |
3 | Americans should have more holidays and longer vacations. |
4 | Dieting makes people fat. |
5 | College students should have complete freedom to choose their own courses. |
6 | Students should (or should not) be required to take physical education courses. |
7 | Freshmen should not be required to purchase a meal plan from the college. |
8 | High school graduates should take a year off before entering college. |
9 | People have become overly dependent on technology. |
10 | Drunk drivers should be imprisoned on the first offense. |
We at Ncertbooks.Guru helps students in providing various content which improves their knowledge and various skills. We hope the above-given information about Essay Writing in English, Essay topics, format, and tips has been useful for you to an extent. If you need more data or any assistance regarding essay writing in various languages, please reach us via the comment section below. Stay in touch with us or bookmark our site for getting more alerts & updates on these topics.
What is the Essay Writing?
Essay Writing seems like an awful task among students. If students are very passionated to put their views and thoughts in a paper, then those students can easily write any type of essay if they have basic knowledge about the topic. Okay, let’s have a small discussion about the word “Essay” before going to know about the Essay Topics in English. Hemant Singh