After the year 2020, time has picked up such a pace that almost 5 years have passed in the blink of an eye. It’s surprising because it feels like 2020, 2018, or 2016 were just last year. Has time actually sped up, or is there another reason?
In this strange universe, the strangest thing is time. We humans are bound by the laws of this world and the universe, even though we think we are free.
When we think deeply, we realize that from death to time, everything has invisibly bound us. But as we age, time plays different games with us. Thousands of people on social media are saying that after 2020 or COVID, time has accelerated, making years pass by without us noticing.
Life was until 2020. I, too, have experienced this because, after 2020, the years 2021 and 2022 have become a blurry memory. Those two or three years have turned into a hazy recollection, which can also be called the “blurry effect.”

When we were children, summer vacations seemed endless. But now, nothing feels the same. Why are we feeling like we are living like the dead while being alive? Every moment of ours is being cut like a cycle by time. Pay attention to the point I’m about to make, friends.
The psychological perception of time is crucial. When you were a child, the world and the universe were new to your mind. That’s why your mind observed everything in great detail and soaked up every good and bad memory, capturing it within. Every day was new to your mind. From the blue sky to the twinkling stars at night and every natural and material object—there was no responsibility on you, nor any burden.
You were just deeply enjoying the world, consuming every bit of it. And the biggest thing was that you were living in the present. In this world, no creature other than humans lives in the past or the future. Only those who live in the present truly live in joy. That’s why time felt endless to us.
As you grew older, this world became old for you. Your mind stopped observing this world deeply because the human brain is hungry for dopamine, always needing something new. From 2016 to 2020, when the internet and social media entered our lives, the human brain seemed to die.
The most profound impact on the human brain occurred in 2020, when the pandemic forced the entire world to sit at home with nothing to do. From children to the elderly, everyone became so attached to the internet and social media that they forgot to observe the world. Due to social media, the brain started to feel more depressed, and the constant entanglement in the past and future cast a blurry effect on time, making us realize after almost 5 years how fast time has flown by.
A month comes and goes, and another arrives. A year ends, and another begins. The most important question now is, how can we escape this? How can we live as we did 45 years ago? The solution is that you need to create new memories, explore new places, and avoid repeating your routine as much as possible.
Distance yourself a bit from the internet and social media. Write in your diary, explore nature, read new books, lie under a tree, watch the rain, talk to your parents or elders for hours, make new friends, meditate, and gaze at the stars. Do this for a few months, and then see how you deeply taste the flavor of life. Time is short, and anyone’s time can end at any moment. Our 60-70 years of life in the clock of this universe is just a few microseconds.
After 2020, many people feel that time is passing much faster. This change in perception is due to how our brains process time as we age. When we were younger, everything was new and exciting, so time seemed to move slower. However, as we grew older and especially after the rise of social media and the COVID-19 pandemic, our brains became less engaged with the world around us. This led to a “blurry effect” where years seem to fly by without us noticing.
To slow down this feeling, it’s important to break away from routine, create new memories, explore new places, and spend less time on social media. Engaging with the present moment, whether through nature, books, or meaningful conversations, can help us savor time and live more fully.
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“Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” – Napoleon Hill In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually.
If you focus on negative doom and gloom you will remain under that cloud.
imagination is greater than knowledge