Overthinking: The Silent Virus and the Path to Inner Peace

Overthinking The Silent Virus and the Path to Inner Peace
Overthinking The Silent Virus and the Path to Inner Peace

I started thinking like this at 3 o’clock in the night 🌙💭

Overthinking is like a virus spreading in today’s society. 🧠🦠 It is turning people into living dead . People are not afraid of dying, but of living.

The virus of overthinking is damaging the mind so much that many people have lost hope of truly living. 😔 Everyone is searching for something that will bring them peace, a way to get rid of this habit of overthinking, and wondering when they will live like they did in childhood, without any stress. 🌱✨

Overthinking The Silent Virus and the Path to Inner Peace
Overthinking The Silent Virus and the Path to Inner Peace

Overthinking: The Silent Virus and the Path to Inner Peace

People make different rules and routines, thinking that meditation will stop overthinking. 🧘‍♂️ But trust me, no matter how good your routine or rules are, overthinking will always come back. Because I was once a big overthinker myself. This problem isn’t new.

Humans have been overthinking since they began to think. The only difference is that we have crossed the limit in this generation. 🔄

Just like water gives life, but if you drink too much, it can take your life as well. 💧💀 Similarly, overthinking will first turn you into a living corpse, and even if you stay alive, what’s the point, because you are already dead inside.

I don’t want to say too much about this, and I’m not going to give you any solutions or tell you to follow any rules.

I just want to say that you overthink everything—whether it’s a big problem, money issues 💸, wanting to make your parents proud, or thinking about love ❤️. But have you ever realized that everything is temporary? ⏳

With time, everything fades away. Do you even remember what big achievements or mistakes your great-grandfather made?

It may have been important back then, but now, it doesn’t matter anymore. Time erases everything. Today, if I’m making this video, someone in the future may learn from it, but 100 years later, it will all be forgotten. 🕰️

When you realize this, you’ll have tears in your eyes. Your parents, who gave you life, won’t be with you forever. 👨‍👩‍👧

So, why worry about what the world thinks? 🌍 The answer to all your questions lies in peace and silence. Just once, put your phone aside 📱, distance yourself from friends and family, and sit under a tree 🌳. Nature itself will tell you what you need to do. 🌿

Our mind is very creative, it can build or destroy. Don’t let the virus of overthinking weaken it. Flow with peace like the current of a river 🌊, don’t try to control the flow.

Remember, one day everything will disappear. 🌀 So, what is bothering you? Let me know in the comments, and I’ll write a post on it.


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Hemant Singh

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