I started thinking like this at 2 o’clock in the night
When I got tired of this world, I stopped looking at it and started looking beyond it. What I found was emptiness and silence—a scary, deep silence that introduced me to the unknown power of death.
Even though we live among 8 billion people, we are truly alone because outside this world, there is only endless silence. This is what helps us understand the unknown.
If I ask you, what is the greatest unknown for you? The answer is just one word: death. Death is an unknown void that has taken all forms of life and will keep doing so.
Remember, time is a cycle—a wheel that cuts through every living and non-living thing, moment by moment. With every breath, our life slowly shortens.
Osho once said something amazing about life and death: When a child is born, their first job is to take a breath, which means life has begun.
When an old man dies, his last job is to exhale, which means death has arrived. We’ve always believed that life is good and death is bad, but now it’s time to let go of this belief.
See death the same way you see life. Pay attention to your breathing; every moment you are taking in life and losing strength to death. That’s why I say, death is always here, always doing its work. Just like the sun and the moon, it does its duty every moment. Even though death has no shape, it exists—just like the air.
So, today, let’s talk about Death Meditation. Death Meditation means dying while still alive, or in other words, tasting the endless experience of death. It’s about deeply feeling the emptiness, void, and pure awareness.
Since childhood, I was taught that life’s opposite is death. But later, I realized that life and death are partners. We forget that if life exists somewhere, death must be there too. And where death is, understand that life was once there as well.
Think of life and death like this: a boy is standing in a field enjoying the sunlight—this is life. Death is like his friend, standing in the shade of a tree, waiting for him.
That’s why, when a wise person gains immortal knowledge, they don’t mourn someone’s death or celebrate someone’s birth because they know that life and death are not separate things.
I hope you’ve understood the meaning of life and death. Now, let’s explore what Death Meditation truly is.
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